Monday, December 7, 2009

The last question posted was: How many calories are in a pound of body weight? Answer: 3500.

Let's look at that number for a moment. To gain a pound of weight, someone must eat 3500 more calories than they burn, and to lose a pound, they must burn 3500 more than they eat. It is simple math.
But these are just numbers--how does that look in everyday life? Let's talk about losing weight, a BIG issue among kids your age:
The easiest way to lose weight is to cut out "drink calories"--i.e, soda, juice, Gatorade, etc.
For example, if I drank water every day instead of a can of Coke (220 calories), in 2 weeks I'd lose a pound. In a year, I'd shed about 20 pounds! I'm not making a HUGE change; I'm just substituting something healthy for something unhealthy. Little changes like that can make all the difference.

Here are few other simple choices:
1. Drink a glass of water before each meal.
2. At every meal, eat a piece of fruit or handful of veggies. The cafeteria does a great job of providing healthy food--take advantage of it!
3. When you sit down to dinner, eat veggies and meat first, wait about 5 minutes (a great chance to TALK to your family!), then eat your carbs (bread, rice, potatoes, etc.).

Happy eating!

In your comment, share your opinion of which of the following breakfasts YOU think is healthier, and why:
1. A whole wheat bagel with cream cheese
2. A cup of regular yogurt mixed with sliced bananas and raisins


  1. Jennie Aiko Garcia
    Cerritos Elementary

    A cup of regular yogurt mixed with sliced banana and rasin.its better to eat it has lot of fruit and less calories.there are 350 to 400 calories in a bagel and there are 200 to 300.

  2. Number 2 is better because it has alot of fruits and it has less calories.

  3. # 2 since it has fruits such as bannana while #1 has cheese and ... well, you know what I mean

  4. hi mr.gang!!! i love your blog.i enjoyed this are so right kids should drink a glass of water before every meal.

    liana ebrahimian
    miss hudson's class

  5. hello mr.gang! I'm wonbin shin in fremont mrs.downer class. have a great christmas!and "gangpe" means "gangster" in korean. did you know that?

    good-bye...for now

  6. Hey Mr.Gang, it's Arman from Mrs.Jordan's class.Yogurt with sliced bananas and raisins are better because they have vitamins,potassium, and other nutritious things inside that are healthy for your body.

  7. hi mr.g I just wanted to answer your question,number 2 is better because it has a lot of fruits and it has less calories.I'm smartSo got to go see ya.

  8. i think it depends how much u eat.but i think probably 2 because it has less calories.ericcho fremont room1 mrs.ryder's class
    happy winter chrismas~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  9. I think #2 is better.
    TEACHER:Mrs. Stedman
    GRADE:5th Grade

  10. Hey Mr. Gang you should check out me and Toby's profile and blog

    Jeremiah's profile

    Jeremiah's blog

    Toby's profile

    Toby's blog

    -Jeremiah Ancheta


  11. Hi Mr.Gang.
    I think a cup of regular yogurt mixed with sliced bananas and raisins is more nutritous than a bagel with cream cheese.
    The reason is because bagel has more calories than fruit.
    Anyways, Happy 2010!!!

    Jason Lee
    Fremont Elementary
    5th Grade
    Mrs. Jordan

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.
