Monday, September 28, 2009

Thanks to all of you who submitted answers to last week's question ("Water" is called "agua," "jur" and "mizu" in three other langauges. What are they?)
Correct answer: Spanish, Armenian, Japanese. My apologies for possibly misspelling the Armenian version! It should be "joor."

I mentioned last time the importance of water. Notice that I DIDN'T say to drink soda, juice or energy drinks. Why? Water has no calories, while the other drinks add unneeded calories, and calories can add up quickly into pounds.

Here's a simple example: one can of regular Coke has over 200 calories, while the same amount of water has 0 calories. If you drank water instead of one can of Coke every day for two weeks, you would lose 1 pound. That doesn't sound like much, but if you did that for one year, you would lose over 20 pounds!! All by changing just one thing: drinking water instead of soda.

So think about it. Do you really need high fructose corn syrup, caramel coloring, artificial flavoring, carbonation and phosphoric acid? YUCK!

p.s. Why do they put "high fructose corn syrup" in soda? Submit your answer!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Why Water?

You've heard your parents, coaches and (PE) teachers tell you, "Drink water!" and there are many good reasons why, especially with hot weather forecast for later this week.
For starters, your body is about 70% water. It is the single most important thing in your body! Without it, life would not be possible. In fact, you can survive over a MONTH without food, but only DAYS without water!
In addition, your brain is especially sensitive to drying out, which is why dehydration makes it so hard to do well in school. Have you ever been real thirsty? It's hard to concentrate on much else (like math, language arts or history) when all you want is a drink of water.
Lastly, drinking lots of water actually keeps you COOLER during hot weather. Here's how: water forms sweat on the surface of your skin, which whisks heat away from you, and cools you off like an air conditioner.
So, whether you call it "agua," "jur" or "mizu", drink water regularly, especially on HOT days!

p.s. can anyone tell me the 3 languages I used for the word "water" above? Post your guess! And don't forget to leave your name AND teacher.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

School Has Begun!

I want to welcome you to the new school year, and to P.E!
I look forward to all we have planned for this year.
Hopefully, this blog will enrich your P.E. experience and help you take better care of your body.
I will be adding new posts soon, so stay tuned. In the meantime, feel free to leave a comment.