Saturday, March 20, 2010

Thanks to all of you who post comments! I love to hear from you!
As I write, we are nearing the end of physical fitness post-testing in PE class. Some of you may wonder: why do we have to HAVE physical fitness testing? What's the point of having to do 7 different tests?
Simply put, it's the law. All 5th, 7th and 9th graders in California MUST be tested for physical fitness, and their scores reported to Sacramento, as a way to see how healthy our students are.
So, I test 4th and 6th graders too, because they will have their scores reported the following year, and physical fitness is something that has to be built up. It is not like studying for test, where you can prepare and absorb all the information in a short amount of time. Fitness takes months to build, so we constantly work on it in PE class.
As a teacher, I don't think you should take a test unless it has a purpose. And the purpose of physical fitness testing is to show YOU where you need to get healthier. It's not just for the people in Sacramento. It's for YOU! After all, as I've told you many times in class, it's YOUR body, and since you only get one, take good care of it and it will take care of you.
So, as you take your tests, commit to improve on ONE area of fitness, the one you are the weakest at. If it's flexibility, then stretch more often. If it's curlups or pushups, then practice them daily. And if it's running or body weight, then do more walking, drink water not soda, and eat more fruits and vegetables. And don't give up!

Here's the question to respond to in this post: what is your favorite physical fitness test?

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Some of you who left comments had great ideas for exercise on rainy days:
*Hannah goes to the YMCA with her mom
*Robbie plays basketball indoors
Here are some other ideas, some of which I've told you in PE class:
*Wii is fun and has lots of games
*Put on some music and do at least 5 minutes of aerobics
*If you have enough room, jump rope
*Practice curlups and pushups
*Walk up and down stairs for at least 2 minutes
*Do housework like laundry or sweeping (your parents will love you and its good exercise)
*Play Twister or charades with friends
Of course, you should ALWAYS ask your parents before trying any of these!

I read an article the other day that was very informative. Scientists studied people at an all-you-can-eat buffet and discovered that people's brains played a HUGE part in how much they ate. Most people think that your stomach controls how much you eat, but it's really your brain that is in control. Here's what they found:
1. People who use smaller plates eat less food. Why? Their brain THINKS they are eating more, so they feel fuller faster.
2. People who chew their food at least 20 times also eat less. Sounds crazy, right? But again, the more you chew, the more food your brain THINKS you are eating.
3. People who eat slowly eat less. Putting down your fork, having a conversation with your friend or family at the table and just going slow all help you feel fuller faster. And that means you eat less.

So try these the next time you eat. Use a smaller plate, chew at least 20 times before you swallow, and slow down. These 3 tricks can help you eat fewer calories, and maintain healthy body weight.

Someone asked me, "Is dark chocolate good for you?" The answer is, "Yes!" Scientists say dark chocolate is better for you than regular (milk) chocolate because it lowers blood pressure, and is high in antioxidants, which fight disease and remove toxins from your body. But be careful--dark chocolate does have calories, so eat it in moderation. Great question, Hannah!

Monday, January 18, 2010

I'm sorry it has been so long since I last blogged! I guess the holidays were so busy and fun that I got a bit distracted. I hope your holidays were fun as well.

In my last post, I talked about calories, a unit that measures how much energy is in the food you eat. Some people think calories are bad. They aren't! In fact, your body needs around 2000 of them a day (depending on age and gender). I like to tell people that calories are like gas in a car--you need them for energy and growth. That is especially true in school because your brain needs calories in order to function well.

So, what happens if you don't eat? Well, you've probably had the experience of skipping breakfast, because you thought it would help you lose weight (WRONG!), you simply forgot, or you didn't have enough time. Then, sometime after recess and before lunch, you probably "bonked," which means your brain ran out of energy and you found it very hard to concentrate or stay awake. You could hardly wait for lunch. And you probably felt much better once you ate.
What happened? You starved your brain! Think about it: even if you eat dinner/dessert at, say, 9 pm the night before, and skip breakfast the next morning, you'll go 14-16 HOURS without eating! That's like driving your car without gas. Doesn't work too well.

So, when your mother (or PE teacher!) says, "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day," listen to them and begin the day with a healthy meal

Speaking of a healthy breakfast, it was great to read people's opinions about which breakfast is better (bagel and cream cheese or yogurt with fruit). While both will give you energy for the day, the yogurt is probably better, as it is higher in vitamins, minerals and fiber. Everyone who replied was right! I'm glad to see so many of you know how to eat right!

Now, for the next post, share with the other readers what you do to stay physically active when it is raining outside. We'd all love to hear how creative people can be!